Home Physiotherapy

Strengthening For Elderly

Harnessing The Potential of Strength Training For Aging Population

Is age a barrier to physical fitness and well-being? Long answers short, research says no. Contrary to conventional beliefs, research has shed light on the remarkable potential, even for individuals aged 90 and above, to enhance their muscle strength and the consequent quality of life through targeted strengthening exercises. In this article, we delve into …

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Home Physiotherapy

Exercise Equipment for Home Physiotherapy

One frequently asked question regarding home physiotherapy for the elderly is ‘What exercise equipment do I need to prepare?’ This question can be answered three-fold: Often the physiotherapist will recommend what exercise equipment is required after a detailed assessment of the elderly’s condition;  The requirement for exercise equipment may change over time as the elderly …

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Home physiotherapy

How Does Home Physiotherapy Work for Elderly

Struck by operation, disease or frailty, the elderly may regress to reduced activity levels or even be home-bound/bed-bound. Halting this regression as much as possible and rehabilitating their mobility, strength, and balance will significantly improve the elderly’s well-being. However, sometimes it may not be convenient for the family to arrange time-off or transport to bring …

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